Sunday, February 1, 2015

The Trickster

On the trail with my thoughts.......caution there are parts written here that are light and frivolous and parts that are deep and may be unfathomable.  This posting was a struggle for me...perhaps the very nature of the subject is hard to grasp....never the less as I wrote I felt led.

The Coyote, the trickster, came to mind this morning.  This brought a recollection of a picture I had created for myself some time ago.  The photo was one I had taken on my walking trail. The quote is not mine and I cannot remember where it came from.

Next  came the thought, “the kingdom of God is within you”. 

Now stay with me lol ...this is not going to be a sermon.....just describing my journey this day...actually an amusing one.

Below is the full verse from the King James Version of the Bible.   
Luke 17:21 King James Version (KJV)
21 Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.

I wondered how can I embrace and dissolve the Coyote – that is that part of my psyche that insists on wanting to look outside myself first.

Hmm perhaps a closer look at the totem of the Coyote would clarify it.  I went to google Animal Totem Coyote...I mistakenly typed in just Animal Totem...
Here is what came up!!!!
Note the second option!

I could see a posting being birthed here.  Before I proceeded with this... There was something I had to attend to first. I had missed my ritual of writing out my acknowledgements and gratitude’s the evening before and something seemed to be tugging me to do this first.
As I started writing I realized I was on a trail that was to be included in this posting. 

One of my acknowledgements
  -Kept resentment at bay

Hubby did not want to watch the Oprah show with me....(can you imagine!) I thought perhaps he might override his dislike of Oprah because the program was on civil rights and prejudice. So admittedly there was a spark of  resentment, but vigilance reigned and my inner serenity prevailed.   
Each day I set my intention; that day my intention was Go(o)d Is My  Director together with Cooperation and Collaboration....
In my acknowledgement to myself I realized I felt pleased at not just my outer behaviour but more so my inner. 

For one of my gratitude's I wrote:
               -I was rewarded...

We ended up watching a charming movie titled “The Hundred-Foot Journey”.  Hubby and I had collaborated on a couple of choices; I left the final choice to him.  (the cooperation here was obviously and admittedly more on his side) 

The movie is a love story that addresses the issues of prejudice and competition and how cooperation and collaboration brought even more loving abundance to all.  Sprinkled with humor throughout, the movie gave a real feel good experience.  We both felt it.

Now here comes the - Pièce de résistance.

At  the end of the movie as per usual the credits are listed.  Bit of a surprise for both of us. Check it out.
Director: Lasse Hallström
Studio: DreamWorks Pictures
Producer(s): Juliet Blake, Oprah Winfrey

I can see smiles from some reading this....and hear groans from others.
Co-incidence???....I think not.  

We finished the evening laughing together.  We watched an old TV comedy....the Odd Couple.  (Just to let you know we have cable TV with more channels than we could ever cover...yet this particular evening we found ourselves in this ridiculous situation, we were hard pressed to find something to watch)  As I reflect writing this....I realize that my husband and I are a bit of an odd couple.  We each have similar traits to Oscar and Felix.  I will let you determine who is who...just to say that what is humorous on this show  is the caricaturizing  of the personalities of each and how these personalities create what are annoying situations but when looked  at from an detached (not personalized) view point it really is humorous.   
I purposely left clicking on the “Coyote Animal Totem” for the last – I believed there would be a message.  See what you get from it.

The wisdom delivered by the coyote spirit animal is rarely direct. The way of the coyote is to teach through ways that do not appear straightforward. It may also use subterfuge or trickery to reach its goal or deliver its message.

Don’t be fooled by the coyote’s way: In any circumstances you encounter, no matter how pleasant or clear they appear to be, there’s a hidden wisdom for you to reap. Be aware of the round about ways of the coyote totem and its teachings.

Well somewhere in the thread of this posting there is a message.  I am grasping for it…..it seems elusive.

In re-reading this…this whole recitation has answered my question - I wondered how can I embrace and dissolve that part of my psyche that insists on wanting to look outside myself first. – The paradox is I actually am supposed to look outside myself.  Much as viewing the odd couple I need to stop personalizing the situation and rise above it and view it from a different perspective.  After all there is nothing life threatening here. 

As for the hole that I am mistakenly trying to fill.....there is no hole....I am already whole.....I am part of a universal whole.
Having a good relationship...(cooperation and collaboration)...with the moment is really truly all I needed.

Again the paradox...that "hole" is the space...the eye of the storm...the calm within...where just for a few moments we are not swept around and a part of  the going on ....all is well....this is the kingdom within. A w(holy) moment.

Well I must say....this certainly was a “round about way” ....I feel like I came full circle!


So at the end of this very long post...thank you for staying with me.....I really hope you are not going huh?  That within this post there was some gold nugget of wisdom or at the very least a glimmer of something.

*As is my rule .....I ask permission of anyone mentioned in my post before publishing.
When I asked  Hubby he laughed......jokingly he said..."So are you asking for my                   "blessing"?    "Yeah, go ahead".
*Permission is also granted to share this post should one feel so inclined.

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